Herbal Latte Beetroot

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Article code 2022270048
100% beetroot powder for shakes, smoothies or pink lattes.
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Delivery time: Vandaag besteld, morgen in huis!
Inhoud 50 grams
Trektijd 3 minutes
Water temperatuur 70 ºC
Gram per servering 2 grams
Water hoeveelheid 150 mililiters

Are you ready to add a little colour to your routine? With this unique blend, you can effortlessly create delicious beetroot lattes that are not only pleasing to the eye, but also to your health! Or use it in shakes, smoothies or to add a beautiful red colour to dishes.

Why beetroot latte?

Red beets have been known for centuries for their incredible health benefits. Our Herbal Latte Beet combines the rich flavour and nutrients of red beets with the convenience of a powdered mix, allowing you to enjoy a delicious beetroot latte every day.

Health benefits beetroot latte

  • Strengthens immune system: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins that help protect your body against disease.
  • Improved blood circulation: The natural nitrates in beetroot can help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.
  • Energy boost: Thanks to its high iron and nitrate content, our Red Beet Latte Mix helps boost your energy levels so you're ready for the day.
  • Healthy skin: The antioxidants in beetroot can help fight free radicals and promote glowing skin.


Our Herbal Latte Beet is designed so that you can enjoy a hot, delicious beetroot latte within minutes. Simply mix one scoop of the powder with 200ML of your favourite milk and add sweetener if needed.

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